Visualizing Tolkien's works on the web
LotrProject is dedicated to bringing J.R.R Tolkien's works to life through various creative web projects. To the right you see the heart of the site, a genealogy of Middle-Earth. There are also
interactive maps,
timelines and
statistics. Welcome to explore!
LotrProject is a work in progress. If you see errors please report them
© 2013
Non-canon character
It is disputed whether or not this character was part of Tolkien's final vision. Read about canonicity at Tolkien Gateway.
Inconsistent ancestry
Ancestry of this character changes throughout Tolkien's works.
Appear only in game/movie
Some of the characters in this genealogy are from card games. The reason they are included is to show visitors looking for them where they belong and that they are not part of the legendarium.
Latest Updates
2012-12-03 -
Redesign of the genealogy
Redesign of the genealogy to better fit with the layout of the rest of LotrProject.
Ents, Huorns & Trees
Gondolindrim (Elves in Gondolin)
Orcs of Morgoth
Orcs of Sauron
Orcs of Saruman
Orcs in Moria